Monday, March 22, 2010

"How to survive working in retail #2"


Right now you can look at it through Flickr, soon it will be available in stores such as Midtown Comics, Jim Hanley´s Universe, Forbidden Planet and more all along NJ and America.

Make sure to ask for it and buy at least two copies to support this independent effort to make comics.

I hope you enjoy it when you read it and rest assured that there is more on the way, as I finish this I´m starting work on issue 3.

Thanks to all the people that shows interest and support us through all this. And specially to the readers for their patience. I really hope you enjoy it, we make it from our hearts ^_^

P.S: Here are some pics of my new studio in transition, it´s called "La cochambre" which roughly translates as "one hell of a mess"

Thanks again, and as usual...
more to come.


Mariana Fossatti said...

Bien ahí! Felicitaciones!

MaGnUs said...

Not going to be available in the little country?