Sunday, September 19, 2010

New York Comic-Con 2010 it's coming

And we are running towards it head on. Look for the guys at our booth and stop to say hi. Since you're there take the chance to pick up all five of our issues.

That's right, FIVE!!

On sept. 22nd Issue 4 it's hitting the stands but while at the con you will be able to pick up a copy with an exclusive sketch cover available NOWHERE else.

And while you're at it, you can also pick up Issue 5, to be released at the con before anywhere else. It will also have an exclusive cover available there.

Both Exclusives are going to be available ONLY at the show and hopefully never again. You better take your chance to grab them while they last. Also, you can get them signed by the guys. I won't be attending because to make it simple, I won't even be in the states for the event.

We'll have more info in the upcoming days along with some images to start to get you salivating for the books.

The people from Hadron Colliderscope will also be around, be sure to check them out too and you might get some of my art over there too.

If you are attending make sure to enjoy the show!
More to come.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Process behind HTSWR

Here's a little peek at what goes into making an issue of the book.
It all starts with Ronnie's script. Right after I get it I make notes on it about what works and what might need some redoing. I usually shoot it back to Ronnie so he can fix it and then I will get a new draft. Sometimes I just work stuff out as I see fit, making changes that will allow for a better pacing or that will improve the storytelling. Here's an example:

Then I start right away with the breakdowns and the thumbnails. I always like to work this way, it allows me to envision the story as a whole and as the thumbs start piling up I can actually see how the story flows.

Next is the pancil stage, where I take the thumbnail and start making the art on the actual board. Sometimes I re-size the thumbs and light trace them into the board. Here is where I make whatever changes need to be done to get the best out of the art. Many times the changes are very noticeable as I might change entire panels or camera angles.

Finally, the inks come into the picture. I'm the first one to admit that inking is not my strongest suit. Not only I found it redundant with today's technology, I just don't like to do it because it's drawing everything twice. I like to do pretty tight pencils but sometimes I can do some things looser because I'm the same one that is going to ink it. More changes might be made at this stage, and here is where the blacks are laid down.

The last stage comes after scanning the page and tweaking it digitally. Sometimes things are added as in post-production (details, repeating backrgrownds, effects) and then it's straight to Illustrator to do the lettering. After all that has been done, the page is complete and ready for print.

For most of the issues I keep thumbs, pencils and Inks, at some point I will put all of this into a cohesive sketchbook. I'm rounding up issue 5 so hopefully I'm gonna be putting up some pages soon as a preview.

More to come.